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Cloudspend Consultancy

Cloud computing offers unprecedented flexibility, scalability and innovative power. Yet costs can add up quickly if not managed properly. OptimaData can help you gain insight into cloud costs, effective ways to control them, and strategies to realize tangible savings.



Cloud spend management is an ongoing process that begins with insight and ends with optimization. By using the right tools and strategies, organizations can not only control their cloud costs, but also realize significant savings. Implementation of best practices such as tagging, right-sizing, use of reserved instances, and regular reporting are crucial.

More about FinOps

Ultimately, it is about an integrated approach where technology, processes and people work together to control costs and maximize the value of cloud investments.Implementing FinOps by itself does not yet directly lead to lower bills. FinOps is primarily a framework that helps organizations manage cloud spend by integrating financial responsibility into their cloud management processes. The real difference is made by the concrete decisions and especially handson actions that come from a FinOps approach. Below, we discuss how OptimaData can achieve tangible cost savings in precisely that area.

Why cloudspend consultancy?

We still see many companies and organizations struggling with the technical know-how to find the right knobs to turn to actually apply recommended optimizations from a FinOps report. This lack of knowledge and basic expertise of databases and configurations often leads to exponential cloud spends.

With the experts at OptimaData, significant optimizations and savings can be realized.

“Dat doen ze op z’n Hollands, overigens: heel direct en open. Dat komt de samenwerking alleen maar ten goede.”

Joost Wasser

Public Sector Account Executive - EDB

Structured approach

OptimaData - Database Optimalisatie

We begin with a thorough analysis. In this analysis, issues such as:

  • CPU utilization
  • Instance-type
  • Auto-Scaling
  • Memory usage
  • Caching
  • SSD and volume types
  • Disk Throughput
  • Data Archiving
  • Data Duplication
  • Compression
  • Unused resources

We map the current setup of the environment. On each subject we do a technical research and benchmark which options and configurations can be improved without performance loss.

Taking the current setup as a starting point, we deliver a report with concrete short, medium and long-term recommendations on which topics we have identified optimization opportunities and which steps we recommend to achieve actual optimization and savings.

This report is discussed with you and in agreement we can follow up the recommended steps for you.

Wat mij vooral opviel was de daadkrachtige en inhoudelijk sterke opvolging op ons vraagstuk naar een stabiel, toekomstvast en high performing PostgreSQL database setup in GCP.

Fred Kroon


Objective advice

Every cloud provider provides integrated tools (such as AWS Cost Explorer, Azure Cost Management or Google Cloud Billing) to report on your performance and cloud costs. It’s good to have this insight. Yet, with the perspective of an objective and independent consultant, significant cost savings come to light. Our practice has shown this time and again.

Cloudspend analysis by OptimaData

Transparant en concreet

Managing and optimizing cloud spend requires a focused approach involving specific actions to use CPU, memory, I/O and storage more efficiently.

Through right-sizing, auto-scaling, use of spot instances, caching, SSD optimization, lifecycle management, deduplication and compression, organizations can realize significant cost savings. These concrete knobs to turn ensure that cloud infrastructure remains cost-effective while maintaining database performance and reliability.

Do you also want to save on your cloudspend?

Our core values

Gerard Zuidweg

Managing Partner
Gerard Zuidweg - Managing Partner
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