Performance Tuning

OptimaData provides consulting, training and management services for MariaDB database platforms. OptimaData is professional services partner of MariaDB in the Benelux.
MariaDB is a relational database management system (RDBMS). MariaDB debuted in 2009 as a fork of MySQL created by a team also led by Widenius, who left Sun early that year because of concerns about MySQL’s direction and development.
Work on MariaDB began while he was still at Sun, and it was originally designed as a drop-in replacement for MySQL. But that was only fully the case until the 5.5 releases of the two databases. After that, new features not in MySQL were added to MariaDB, which used a different numbering for subsequent releases.
It is written in C, C++ and Perl and is made available under the terms of the GPL.
MariaDB is currently one of the most popular relational database systems. While maintaining application compatibility with MySQL®, it adds new capabilities to meet the new challenges in Web and enterprise applications.
Even with newer updates, however, it is relatively easy to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB. MariaDB’s data files are generally binary compatible with MySQL’s, and the databases’ client protocols are also compatible.
In many cases, users can simply uninstall MySQL and install MariaDB. MariaDB PLC, which leads the development of the software through the MariaDB Foundation, maintains a list of incompatibilities and differences with MySQL.
The latest version can be downloaded for free from (Linux and Windows), or installed directly from your Linux repository (e.g., Red Hat, Fedora, Suse and Debian) or hosted on Cloud Services (such as Amazon AWS).
MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for any version of MySQL. That means everything will continue to work as it did with MySQL. Php connectors will continue to connect flawlessly to the “new, better MySQL.” The possibilities in terms of performance, storage engine and scalability, for example, are much better than with MySQL.
MariaDB, has released an “Enterprise” version of the database that combines the popular NoSQL architecture and the familiar, robust SQL configuration. MariaDB has integrated these two types of databases, with its own database working together with the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database.
With the addition of the Cassandra Storage Engine, columns (columns) from Cassandra now appear as tables in MariaDB. It is possible to place data in these tables and select the data again. It is also possible to create combinations of data contained in Cassandra and stored in MariaDB.
This is a solution to the gap between the two types of data storage that has existed for far too long. MariaDB is releasing the new functionality with the new version MariaDB 10 Enterprise and Enterprise Cluster. Both variants are based on MySQL. MariaDB is also much faster than previous versions, in part because of the possibility of parallel replication.
What provisions are best taken to keep the system available? And not just during unfortunate events, but also during upgrades, software releases and other changes to the database environment? The available options are changing at a rapid pace and OptimaData’s consultants can provide advice appropriate to your situation and requirements regarding database management.
A QuickScan for a good picture of your environment with a set of recommendations for optimal performance of your current and future-proof database environment. Application of best practices and performance tuning to get the most out of your configuration.
Regular HealthChecks to keep a finger on the pulse in relation to contamination, database growth or renewed data modeling. With database management through Managed Consultancy or Managed Services, you are assured of business continuity, database maintenance and 24/7 support in case of disruptions or incidents.