PGDay Lowlands 2024 is here!

23-25 October
PostgreSQL Europe is proud to announce the 14th Annual PostgreSQL Conference Europe which will be held at the Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens, Greece, on October 23–25, 2024 with an additional day of world-class PostgreSQL-training on 22 October.
OptimaData is, as always, once again present at this conference with part of our team. In addition, participants from our Blue Elephant Pack initiative will also attend the conference.
PostgreSQL Conference Europe is by far the largest PostgreSQL conference in Europe.
This year’s conference is the 14th Annual PostgreSQL Conference Europe, and for this year we are going to Athens, Greece. The conference is organised by PostgreSQL Europe, with participation from most of the PostgreSQL user groups around Europe, and is intended to be an important meeting and cooperation point for users both in and out of Europe.
PGConf.EU is a unique chance for European PostgreSQL users and developers to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and consolidate a real network of professionals that use and work with PostgreSQL.
The event is moved between major cities in Europe each year, to make it easy for as many people as possible to come to the conference.
The conference covers a wide range of topics, as we expect talks ranging from internals discussions led by leading developers to end-user case-studies from small companies as well as large multinational corporations and government organisations, all who run their businesses on PostgreSQL.
The conference will run multiple parallel tracks, covering the different technical levels to make sure there is always something interesting for everybody.
…and let’s not forget the all important hallway track full of caffeine infused discussions with interesting peers from the community. We also run after hours social events at which the hallway track lasts all night.
Given this wide range of talks, the conference is suitable for many different audiences:
Next to the conference, we will also team up with several companies who offer PostgreSQL training, for a day of discounted short PostgreSQL training sessions. More info on available sessions can be found on the training page.
The schedule has been published. The organization has managed to select a wonderful set of talks, ranging from in-depth core code to more high-level community stories, such as organizing local meetups (like the PostgreSQL User Group NL).
The full program can be found here:
You can already register for this wonderful event. Be quick, as these tickets can sell out fast.