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PGConfEU 2023 Silver Partner

The largest and most beautiful PostgreSQL Conference in Europe will take place in Prague from December 12 to 15! Great time of year, you can also take part in the Christmas market in Prague. OptimaData is sponsoring this conference for the 5th time in a row. For PGConfEU 2023 we can call ourselves Silver Partner.

This year’s conference is the 13th annual PGConfEU, and this year we are going to Prague, Czech Republic. The conference is organized by PostgreSQL Europe, with the participation of most PostgreSQL user groups in Europe, and is intended to be an important meeting and collaboration moment for users, Developers, DBAs and Engineers inside and outside Europe.

PGConfEU 2023 in Prague December 12 to 15, 2023

The largest and most beautiful PostgreSQL Conference in Europe will take place in Prague from December 12 to 15! Nice time of year, you can also take part in the Christmas market in Prague.

More than a decade of PostgreSQL

This year’s conference is the 13th annual PostgreSQL Conference Europe, and this year we are going to Prague, Czech Republic. Organized by PostgreSQL Europe, with the participation of most PostgreSQL user groups in Europe, the conference is intended to be an important meeting and collaboration opportunity for users, developers, DBAs and Engineers inside and outside Europe.

PGConf.EU is a unique opportunity for European PostgreSQL users, developers and DBAs to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and build a real network of professionals using and working with PostgreSQL.

The event is moved between major cities in Europe each year, to make it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to come to the conference. The conference has already been in the places listed below:

  1. 2008 — Prato, Italy
    This first conference was technically not a PostgreSQL Conference Europe, but it is included here because it is where the idea of holding a continent-wide conference first germinated.
  2. 2009 — Paris, France
  3. 2010 — Stuttgart, Germany
  4. 2011 — Amsterdam, Netherlands
  5. 2012 — Prague, Czech Republic
  6. 2013 — Dublin, Ireland
  7. 2014 — Madrid, Spain
  8. 2015 — Vienna, Austria
  9. 2016 — Tallinn, Estonia
  10. 2017 — Warsaw, Poland
  11. 2018 — Lisbon, Portugal
  12. 2019 — Milan, Italy
  13. 2020 — cancelled due to COVID-19
  14. 2021 — cancelled due to COVID-19
  15. 2022 — Berlin, Germany
  16. 2023 — Prague, Czech Republic

Silver Partner van PGConf.EU 2023

Al sinds de PGConfEU 2017 zijn wij jaarlijks sponsor en partner van deze grootste Europese conferentie rond PostgreSQL. Ook deze conferentie in 2023 zijn we Silver Partner.

Lees hier het sponsor interview naar aanleiding van onze sponsoring van PGConfEU 2023 in Praag.

PostgreSQL is een belangrijk database platform voor OptimaData en met onze organisatie en promotie van PostgreSQL in Nederland, mede middels onze rol in en met de PostgreSQL Usergroup NL willen wij een significante bijdrage leveren aan de groei van PostgreSQL in Europa en Nederland.

Silver Partner of PGConf.EU 2023

Ever since the PGConfEU 2017, we have been an annual sponsor and partner of this largest European conference around PostgreSQL. Also this conference in 2023 we are Silver Partner.

Read here the sponsor interview following our sponsorship of PGConfEU 2023 in Prague.

PostgreSQL is an important database platform for OptimaData and with our organization and promotion of PostgreSQL in the Netherlands, partly through our role in and with the PostgreSQL Usergroup NL, we aim to make a significant contribution to the growth of PostgreSQL in Europe and the Netherlands.


Content and social events

The conference covers a wide range of topics, as we expect sessions ranging from discussions on internals led by leading developers to end-user case studies from small businesses as well as large multinational corporations and government organizations, all running their data platforms on PostgreSQL.

The conference has multiple parallel tracks, covering different technical levels, so there is always something of interest for everyone.

…And let’s not forget the all-important “hallway track,” or “the aisle” full of caffeine-infused discussions with interesting colleagues from the community. There are also after-hours social events where the “hallway-track” continues throughout the night.


Conferentie programma

Het programma van PGConfEU 2023 is bekend gemaakt. Dinsdag is een dag vol met trainingen, hier heb je een apart ticket of voucher voor nodig om je aan te melden. Vanaf woensdag 13 december start de conferentie met een keynote van Simon Riggs. Daarna is de conferentie verdeeld over 3 tracks. Als leeswijzer is het goed om te weten dat de gele talks zijn gericht op developers, groen op DBA’s en blauw zijn algemeen. Je kan doorklikken op de talk om een korte samenvatting te lezen waar de sessie over gaat en wie de spreker is.

TouchBase videopodcast op PGConfEU 2023

OptimaData is met de videopodcast-serie TouchBase (van, voor, over DBA en databases) aanwezig op de conferentie. In de podcast hebben we Feike Steenbergen uitgenodigd de kettingvraag te stellen aan de deelnemers van PGConfEU 2023:

Tijdens de PGConfEU 2023 zullen we een aantaal deelnemers deze vraag voorleggen en op 19 december naast een impressie van de conferentie ook deze antwoorden met jullie delen.

Who is PGConfEU of interest to?

This wide range of talks makes the conference suitable for many different audiences:

DBAs already using PostgreSQL, or considering doing so
Developers of any type of application, from hobbyists to large web and enterprise applications
Policy makers interested in evaluating the world’s most advanced open source database as an alternative to traditional proprietary products
PostgreSQL contributors – code, documentation, support – anything that helps the project
Open source enthusiasts in general


In addition to the conference, several companies offering PostgreSQL training are also partnering for a day of discounted short PostgreSQL training sessions. More information about available sessions can be found on PGConfEU’s training page. These training sessions will be offered on Dec. 12.


Learn more and participate

If you want more information or to register for this conference, check out the PGConfEU 2023 website.

How to get to the center of Prague.

A great how-to for getting from Airport Prague to the city center cheaply and quickly.