Support PostgreSQL community
From October 25 to 28, 2022, the annual event PG Conf EU will take place, in Berlin this edition. OptimaData is sponsoring this largest PostgreSQL conference on the European mainland for the fourth time in a row. “Because we think it is important for PostgreSQL to become stronger in its full breadth as a platform but also as a community, we would like to support this event,” said Gerard Zuidweg, Managing Partner at OptimaData.
PostgreSQL is now the strongest growing open source database platform year on year. With an active global community, Postgres is a serious alternative to the established order such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. Or as Ed Boyajian, CEO of EDB put it, “PostgreSQL is on the cusp of becoming the superior database platform from a technological perspective.”
Especially in these uncertain times, community support is essential. Without sponsorship, these large-scale events cannot take place. By being 1 of the first sponsors to stand up, we send a signal of confidence to the community and hope that others will follow us.
PostgreSQL and OptimaData
For OptimaData as an open source database consultancy and managed services provider, PostgreSQL is an important platform. Research has shown that over 60% of CTOs in the Netherlands are concretely considering saving on (Oracle) licensing costs. “PostgreSQL can be a good and reliable alternative for this. There is a growing need for knowledge and know-how in the Netherlands and Europe regarding this platform.
Partly with this in mind, we organize in cooperation with the PostgreSQL Usergroup NL 4 times a year a meetup”. In June 2019 we already had the opportunity to organize the 10th edition of this meetup in physical form. During the COVID19 period a number of online sessions. And this year we hope to bring the 15th edition live for the Dutch Postgres community.
“For any open source interested DBA or developer, the PG Conf EU is a must,” according to Martijn Wallet, Manager Consultancy at OptimaData and PostgreSQL Expert. “The conference gives you the opportunity to share knowledge and exchange experiences with experts from the community and other Postgres colleagues.” Gerard Zuidweg: “For OptimaData as an organization, the conference gives us an opportunity to network, increase our visibility in the community and bring back valuable input for our customers.”
What is PGConfEU?
The PG Conf EU is the largest Postgres conference in continental Europe. It always takes place in the fall, just before or right after that the new PostgreSQL release with major changes is launched. During this important conference, with major contributors like Magnus Hagander, Bruce Momjian and Devrim Gunduz, you already get a sneak peak of this new release in several “Whats new” sessions.
In addition, there are in-depth talks with key changes and application features. This year there will be a lot of focus on CloudNative and Cloud deployment applications. OptimaData is sponsoring this open source database event for the fourth time in a row and will attend with a large group of DBAs. Highly recommended for any PostgreSQL DBA or Developer.
Agenda and tracks
The event agenda has been announced. A nice prog
ramma with different tracks. There is a DBA track, Developers track, a sponsor track and a number of other different topics. But also some less technical topics such as how to make Postgres blog posts more visible and a community panel.