PostgreSQL meetup February 15, 2023
We would like to invite you to the first “PostgreSQL User Group NL” meetup of 2023 with a strong lineup and a new location: Picnic in Amsterdam!
Besides some interesting headliners in this meetup, we offer the opportunity to participate in Lightning Talks. If you have something to share in the field of PostgreSQL, let us know and we will be happy to give you the floor.
This PostgreSQL Meetup will be held at Picnic’s office at Van Marwijk Kooystraat 15, in Amsterdam. Food and drinks will be provided. Many thanks to Picnic for their hospitality!!!
We hope to meet and talk on February 15.
17:30 – 18:30 Walk-in, food and drinks.
18:30 – 18:35 Opening by Gerard Zuidweg, OptimaData
18:35 – 19:20 Franklin Anderson de Amorim, Picnic
19:20 – 20:00 Matthias van de Meent, Neon
20:00 – 20:15 Lightning talks
20:15 – xx:xx Wrap up, networking and drinks
By Franklin Anderson de Amorim
about Franklin:
Franklin Amorim is a database engineer with more than 20 years of experience in the field, working with a variety of databases including Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra and PostgreSQL. In 2021, he made a move to the Netherlands and joined the team at Picnic.
In this presentation, we will provide an introduction to Debezium, a powerful tool for streaming data changes in near real-time. We will discuss how we have implemented Debezium in Picnic’s automated fulfillment center. We will also showcase the specific use cases we have for Debezium and how it has positively impacted our operations. Overall, this presentation will provide insights on how Debezium and Postgres can be used together to build efficient data pipeline solutions.
Bij Matthias van de Meent
About Matthias: Initially introduced to PostgreSQL in 2015 during my study, I started using PostgreSQL professionally in 2017.I started watching the pgsql-hackers mailing list to check the progress of the “index skip scan” patch, during which I got familiar with the PostgreSQL development process. In 2020 I contributed my first bug fixes to PostgreSQL with some progress reporting fixes, and later in the PG14 development cycle helped finish the COPY progress reporting patch. Nowadays, I generally work on storage efficiency and computational performance in the btree AM.
Starting with PostgreSQL 11, there have been multiple advances in the BTree index method – the default index method for PostgreSQL. However, this is not unique to BTree: most index methods have seen significant performance improvements, which have resulted in significant storage savings and improved performance over the past 5 major releases.
This talk will show notable improvements in PostgreSQL’s included index methods since PG11, including deduplication and optimistic pruning of dead index tuples. After that, it will go through the improvements currently being worked on for PostgreSQL 16, and finally, it will discuss what the future might bring for the index methods included in PostgreSQL.
Lightning Talks
What are Lightning Talks?
A Lightning talk is a short presentation given at a conference or meetup. Unlike other presentations, Lightning Talks last only a few minutes and several are usually given in a short time slot by different speakers. Everyone has the opportunity to give their views, share a short topic or ask for input from the audience in the span of 1 slot.
During the PostgreSQL Usergroup NL meetups, through the Lightning Talks, we provide a low-threshold stage for participants to share their experience and knowledge.
Would you like to submit a Lighting Talk, do you have a short topic, would you like to share something within the PostgreSQL domain or what it touches? Send us an email with your suggestion, your topic, or just your name requesting a time slot and we will schedule you into the Lightning Talks! You can also put your name on the list on the night itself!
The meetup will be held at Picnic’s Amsterdam location at Van Marwijk Kooystraat 15.
The address is:
Van Marwijk Kooystraat 15
Metro station OverAmstel is right next to Picnic’s headquarters. If you come by car, take exit S111, turn left twice and you are already driving towards the Van Marwijk Kooystraat. Parking is available in parking garage Zuidpark.
aanmelden voor de Meetup
Feel welcome to sign up for this meetup. Thanks in part to the hospitality of Picnic, it is a free event including food and drinks. Using the link below, you can sign up on our meetup page on don’t have a account yet, or are you not yet a member of the PostgreSQL Usergroup NL? Then become a member for free and sign up for the meetup.