Kickoff Blue Elephant Pack

Finally there is another PGDay in the Netherlands! OptimaData is proud Partner Sponsor of this biggest PostgreSQL event of the low countries.
OptimaData is proud to announce that we are Partner Sponsor of the PGDay Lowlands 2024. From our role on the Dutch market as leading Postgres consultancy and management experts, our role in the Usergroup NL, the global community and our recent intitiative “The Blue Elephant Pack” this partnership was a logical choice. OptimaData has also been a Sponsor of the European PostgreSQL event PGConfEU for several consecutive years. With our contribution, we hope to work with the organizers to create a great event!
PostgreSQL Europe is pleased to announce that PGDay Lowlands will take place on September 13, 2024 at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It has been a while since we have had a PGDay in the Netherlands. This 2024 edition is largely organized by the Dutch community with support from PostgreSQL Europe. A real community initiative. Gerard Zuidweg, host and co-organizer of the PostgreSQL Usergroup NL is a member of the program committee on behalf of OptimaData.
PGDay Lowlands is a unique opportunity for European PostgreSQL users and developers to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and build a real network of professionals using and working with PostgreSQL.
The PostgreSQL Usergroup NL is the only formally recognized local usergroup in the Netherlands. With around 860 members it is one of the larger usergroups in Europe. We organize meetups 4 times a year, usually at a guest company. OptimaData may play an organizing role by putting together speakers, locations, hosts and other practical matters. The content sessions mostly come from the Dutch community itself. With the occasional international speaker and at often inspiring locations at prominent companies in the Netherlands. For example, we have already welcomed, Adyen, Tilaa and Picnic, among others.
With this powerful Dutch community, we expect a great line-up of speakers and sessions. And of course a wonderful opportunity to meet each other.
The “call for papers” has ended, and after much deliberation, the review of the (more than 85!) submissions has also been completed. The program committee has managed to select a wonderful line-up of speakers.
We will start at 0900 with a welcome speech. After that, Leatitia Lavrot will kick off with the first talk. Then, for the rest of the morning, Pavlo Golub, Derk van Veen, and Peter Eisentraut will follow. Lunch and lightning talks will be held, and in the afternoon, Jérémie Grauer, Julian Riou, and Varun Dhawan will take the stage. We will conclude the day around 1700.
Registration is now open. A limited number of “early bird” tickets are available until August 1st. Don’t miss out!
Special discountcode for members of the PostgreSQL Usergroup NL meetup group. Click on the button for details.
Stay tuned! We will regularly share news and developments surrounding the PGDay Lowlands 2024. And for more information, check out the PGDay website.