PostgreSQL has been named DBMS of the Year for the fourth time, after winning the title three times between 2017 and 2020. Nearly 35 years ago, Postgres was first released. Since then, much has changed, and this is essentially the major success factor of PostgreSQL: a high pace of steady improvements that keep the system at the forefront of DBMS technology while providing a reliable and stable platform. In PostgreSQL 16, released in September 2023, further performance enhancements and additional replication options were introduced. All of this makes PostgreSQL one of the most successful open source projects ever.
PostgreSQL DBMS of the year 2023 heeft PostgreSQL uitgeroepen tot DBMS of the year 2023. PostgreSQL is het database management systeem dat het afgelopen jaar meer aan populariteit heeft gewonnen in de DB-Engines Ranking dan elk van de andere 417 gecontroleerde systemen.