PostgreSQL Meetup January 18th 2024
We like to kick off the new year with you! We would like to invite you to the first “PostgreSQL User Group NL” meetup of 2024 with a strong line-up and a new location: Tilaa in Den Bosch!
Ellert van Koperen will share with us something about his journey around migrating large databases within the dynamic world of Source Energy.
Marc Linster will share with us his vision on the future of PostgreSQL in a rapidly changing world of Analytics, AI and Cloud.
In addition to these interesting headliners, we offer the opportunity to participate in Lightning Talks. If you have something to share in the field of PostgreSQL, let us know and we will be happy to give you the floor.
This PostgreSQL Meetup will be held at Tilaa’s offices at Willemsplein 2, in Den Bosch. Food and drinks will be provided. Many thanks to Tilaa for their hospitality!!!
We hope to meet and talk on January 18.
17:30 – 18:15 Walk-in, food and drinks.
18:15 – 18:20 Opening by Gerard Zuidweg, OptimaData
18:20 – 18:30 Introduction Tilaa by Berry Lankerak, CTO
18:30 – 19:00 The goldilocks-zone, Ellert van Koperen
19:10 – 19:45 The new frontiers for Postgres, Marc Linster
19:45 – 20:00 Lightning talks
20:00 – 20:30 Wrap up, networking and drinks
door Ellert van Koperen, DB-Architect and Performance Tuner
Over Ellert:
Ellert is working with databases in general since 1998 and PostgreSQL specifically since 2004. After starting as a freelance consultant in 2014 building (web)backends he decided to focus on databases in general and PostgreSQL specifically.
When migrating an existing system in general and a database in particular it often can be quite a challenge to get a decent picture in advance of the needed capacity (CPU, RAM, IOps, storage). Running a POC with a realistic scenario can help with this, but comes with its own challenges. In this short talk I will show how I did it for the customer Vandebron and what turned out to be the goldilocks-zone in the decision making process.
Door Marc Linster, CCO EDB
Over Marc
Marc is an internationally experienced software executive, leading development, service and support teams in the US, Europe and Asia. He has an in-depth understanding for the software business, including subscription based
Lightning Talks
What are Lightning Talks?
A Lightning talk is a short presentation given at a conference or meetup. Unlike other presentations, Lightning Talks last only a few minutes and several are usually given in a short time slot by differen
t speakers. Everyone has the opportunity to give their views, share a short topic or ask for input from the audience in the span of 1 slot.
During the PostgreSQL Usergroup NL meetups, through the Lightning Talks, we provide a low-threshold stage for participants to share their experience and knowledge.
Would you like to submit a Lighting Talk, do you have a short topic, would you like to share something within the PostgreSQL domain or what it touches? Send us an email with your suggestion, your topic, or just your name requesting a time slot and we will schedule you into the Lightning Talks! You can also put your name on the list on the night itself!
The meetup will be held at Tilaa’s location in Den Bosch at Willemsplein 2.
The address is:
Willemsplein 2
Den Bosch
Tilaa’s office is located practically next to Den Bosch Central Station. When leaving the station, keep to the right and Tilaa’s office is within walking distance. If you come by car, take exit 45 on the A59 (Ring sHertogenbosch), Vlijmenseweg. You can park in the P+R NS parking lot next to Tilaa’s office.